Sailing in the Sports Industry

  Ocean racing is a product for the past.....or is it?  The days of Columbus are gone and we no longer cross oceans by sail for necessity or to transfer goods in-between continents for profits, although some companies are looking are looking to adding sails to carriers to motor sail their way to reduced fuel costs.    The new age of sailing is mostly in competitive sailing.  Wether it is in the nail biting last moments of the recent 8 race comeback in the American Cup or the intense battles of the Volvo Cup the age of sailing is not behind us and large supporters of the industry are earning big rewards.

   If it isn't the billionaires and retired enthusiasts who are keeping the sailing game around its the growing recreational community that brings in money rou ticket sales, vendor and merchandise purchases.  Showing profits at the numerous stops along the around the world race big vendors are keeping the excitement high and earning big rewards for it.

  As with all sports in the industry the money isn't in the activity itself or even ticket sales.  The money is in marketing and vendor sales.  Large supporters on Ocean Class racing teams understand this.  In the last 10 years large cities have risked big in upgrading areas as California did during the recent American Cup in hopes of getting profits back through the economy boosts that comes with such large sports events.  In the next ten years big supporters have high hopes with projections not set to slow down, but only increase the destinations and the profit.

According to the ocean racing website

A large turnout with over 900'000 people visiting the "most successful" ocean racing yet.  With the boating industry reaching their limits as far as design and engineering the teams are becoming more evenly matched as the races get more competitive.  With the new camera and gps releases giving viewers real time experiences with each of the teams, keeps them involved and interested.  

It seems as though the sailing is very much alive and here to stay.  With them expanding their venue to even more countries with only not stopping on Antarctica ,  they are making all their moves in the right direction as with sailing it always best to check your weather window, Volvo Penta,  make a great gamble in backing this world class event and I look forward to continue to watch this industry grow.

Further information from the research from their website shows that 109 million views on the website, which as research shows was 9 times as much as the previous years.  This growth in the online following is a set trend that follows their upgrades in their marketing.

The following website shows a list of the ports for the 2014-2015 race. which is the longest in history. You can also see the race port experience here .

Anyone can see why this industry holds an exciting future.  With the venues in no short supply of customers.  1000 people visiting their 3d cinema each day and vendor sales more then making up for the amount to have a team in such an event leaves sponsors excited for the future as well.

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